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Flaws ; are part of us.
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jocelyn posts :

Hello again blog. Been quite some time since I posted :) There's several happening events going on lately, but I'd like to specially highlight on one particular event. We've been friends for quite some time already. Why are we arguing over small things? Like I don't like you, I don't like her. I know personally I do not fancy some people in the group as well. But since time has came to today, I'll be very honest. No lies in this post, just what I honestly think of you guys.

First, now we've split into two different groups. I don't like where this is going. I mean, when I left you girls, I was reflecting on what I should do, what I shouldn't. Now, that I've came back. You guys are holding some grudge against some other people. I sometimes wonder if I am one of you girls. But, I suppose I wasn't just mere company, that's not my point now. My point is, you girls shouldn't do this to each other. I know in ever clique, someone will be left out, someone will be disliked by everyone else, someone will leave, someone will just be the most respected one. I know everyone wants to be part of the clique, but, it's very hard if things just goes on like this.

Second, bad-mouthing, back-stabbing. Don't you think it's very funny, how we can talk to that person straight in the face about something, then the other thing is, you just hate that person to the core, and can't tell that person. Because you're afraid that the person will bad-mouth about you behind your back too. I seriously, find that funny & amazing. Because that's part of what we girls do.

Thirdly, we shouldn't split into two. I know how difficult it can be to face people you dislike at times, but everyone deserves a second chance. People do change. Be it good or bad. I just hope that we give them a chance again.

Lastly, please please please please, just stop arging over the slightest thing, just be yourselves. And we have to accept it, don't be some stupid bimbo, -_-"

Okay, now, I have to be very honest.

I'm sorry you have to read this, but this is what I truly think of you, for a period of time already. You've always been saying you wanted to balance out your friendship between us. But, honestly, all you do was stick to yifang. I know what marcia said might be unreasonable to you, but, she does make a point there. I mean, you shouldn't always drag yifang along with you, but maybe, perhaps. Just sit & talk with us. So, we won't have so much comments to make too. Secondly, because of your attitude, you made yourself unbearable. When I said attitude, I meant, when we asked for your answer, all you did was said "I don't know." "See how." or just shrugged your shoulders. I am sure all of us wanted a more promising answer from you, like, get back to you in a few. Or perhaps, just a yes or no after 10-20mins. So, we can plan. I'm really sorry if this made you furious or sad. This is what I think of you, after all these time. Just my honest opinion and not lies. :\ I hope you don't just always talk about others, probably reflect on yourself first. Because, I know, sometimes we talk so fast, we don't have the time to think about what we say, therefore, hurting the person we talked about. Hate me if you want to, I have no comments about it.

I know what you think of me, being with other people makes me more happy than being with you girls. That wasn't true. Because I wasn't into k-pop & other boy bands the other time, I find it very hard to express myself, as, I think of you girls as though you are speaking alien language. Therefore, if you think I seem happier with those people you listed, I hope you consider what you wrote in the letter previously. I know it seems like I'm wayyyyy happier. But, if you take a closer look, I can be as happy as I was with them. Just because they do give me a chance to talk & express myself. If I was given a chance to reverse something I can do, I'd make sure, I don't let all these happen, but if I've already tried my best, Idk what will be the outcome.

I know you don't like certain things about us in some particular way. But, by passing that remark, was quite rude, :\ I am in no position to talk about whose being polite & rude, but, maybe think about what you said first. Respect what others do. If that person wants to be a slut, and you tell them nicely, and they don't listen, what can you do? Try to be in their shoes first. That remark you passed was rude. Idk what made you say that. But, it really hurted her pride. Not trying to stick up for her, but, trying to just express myself. Hope you know what message I'm sending to you. I really want this friendship to REALLY work out.

I know you're going thru something. But, would you open up & tell us what you feel? Don't always keep it to yourself. I know certain people gave attitude. But, it's time you let it all out, be honest with all out us. It's not easy to keep it all in your heart, and then when time comes, you let out even more nasty things. So, just let it all out now?

Don't always keep quiet like Crystal. It is time to sit down and talk to each other. Don't treat each other like transparent. Don't favour each other. Just REALLY balance out our friendship. Because, this is what we are, friends.

I know you're going thru a pretty hard time with Z. But, idk why you hate her as well. If you can tell samantha what you told her. I'm sure you can also do it with her. How about we fix one day, we all sit down and talk? I know the grudge against her is so strong. But this isn't working out. Let's really fix one day & talk about it.

You wasn't really with us, but. Do take care of yourself :)

All of you, hate me with all your might, I have no comments on the grudge you can bear. If you think I'm unreasonable with what I typed, then just delete this post, because I really can't find another way to communicate with all of you. I just want this friendship to be absolutely lies-free. So, be honest with yourselves, and post what you really think of each one of us.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

HELLO! :D let's work hard for EOY together!!


Hellos .
First time posting .
Exams coming , must concentrate in class hors !
Hope all of us can promote to sec4 :)
Thats all , Muhahhahahah .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

hello peeps! sorry for not posting for so long >< busy with studies and stuffs..here to post today! EOY is coming, jiayous okay! we MUST ALL promote together! :D one random apology - sorry if i have given you all attitude, temper and stuffs...SORRY!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hey sisters! End of year examinations is reaching soon,jiayou study hard and get good results. Bye! :)